The "time of the end" is a time used by God in relation to warning signs for all humanity (Daniel 11:40). It does not imply the destruction of mankind, or the burning up of the earth – as is often claimed, but never mentioned in the Bible. The phrase describes the "end" of what the Lord Jesus Christ styled "the times of the Gentiles" (Luke 21:24), when the present constitution of things will be overthrown to make way for the establishment of the kingdom of God on earth. The mention of an "end" indicates that the present social environment, and a way of life that brings no true and lasting satisfaction, must finish – and a new age dawn! The Word of God is the assurance that it will soon occur. The signs that "the end" is at hand are evident in the international affairs of the nations. Especially is this the case, in regard to the powers of Turkey and Russia. Both are mentioned in the Bible as being associated together at "the time of the end," and the important reason for their roles are explained in this booklet.
Almighty God did not create this wonderful earth and its enveloping heavens to be destroyed. The Bible testifies that He formed it "to be inhabited" (Isaiah 45:18). He desired it to reflect to His glory and to develop a paradise in which creation can enjoy its potention to reflect the wisdom and glory of its Creator.
But mankind has failed to live up to the divine ideals. History testifies to a continuing saga of humanity setting itself against the righteous laws established by God, and bringing about a state of continuing violence and evil. Therefore God determined that in the course of time, He would redeem the earth from the desolating hand of man, and return it to its original condition of harmony, peace and beauty.
This will come about by a complete change of government which will occur when the Lord Jesus Christ returns, as has been clearly declared in God’s Word. Two thousand years ago, the apostle Peter declared that God would "send Jesus Christ, which before was preached unto you: whom the heaven must receive until the times of restitution of all things, which God hath spoken by the mouth of all his holy prophets since the world began" (Acts 3:20-21).
The phrase "times of restitution (restoration, or refreshing)" is significant. It contrasts the present arid spiritual condition of mankind, with the wonderful order of things that God has proposed for this earth. Then the institutions of Gentilism, with all the bloodshed and wickedness that they engender, will be removed, and replaced by a political system in which the golden rule of divine wisdom will become the foundation of society.
Bible prophecy not only shows that Jesus Christ is to return, to reign personally and visibly upon earth, but also that his return is near at hand. There are numerous prophetic signs described in the Bible that show this to be so. The return of the Jews to Palestine and the emergence of the State of Israel after nearly 2,000 years of dispersion is clearly revealed in the prophecies of the Bible, together with the widespread, unprecedented preparations for war in many areas, and the discordant elements which are dividing nations in preparation for their final alignment which will lead to Armageddon. These signs of the times reveal to Bible students that the "time of the end" is at hand!
Unmistakable signposts include the continuing influence of Russia in Europe and Asia, and the gradual decline of the power of Turkey over the past two centuries. They demonstrate, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that we live on the very eve of the most dramatic event in all history ... the return of the Lord Jesus Christ to the earth, to take up his universal power and reign over all mankind.
Prophecy: A Light in the Midst of Darkness
It may appear surprising that the country of Turkey should come under the category of outstanding Bible "signs" of the "time of the end." Turkey is generally considered to be of no particular political relevance today, and most readers will be surprised to learn that this relatively obscure nation is referred to in Bible prophecy as an important element in developments leading to Christ’s second advent.
These facts are clearly contained within the pages of Scripture. The apostle Peter declared that prophecy is "as a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn ..." (2 Peter 1:19). The "day" referred to in this verse points forward to a new era in history. It will be introduced by divine judgments upon the world, for the Bible states that God "hath appointed a day, in the which He will judge the world in righteousness by that man [the Lord Jesus Christ] whom He hath ordained; whereof He hath given assurance unto all men, in that He hath raised him from the dead" (Acts 17:31). Therefore the "day" soon to dawn will bring about an epoch of wisdom, divine education and peace, that has never been experienced upon the earth in past. It is called "the kingdom of God" and will be a "day" of great glory.
When the spotlight of the prophetic Word is focussed upon the nation of Turkey, a remarkable contrast is revealed. Today, this insignificant country which borders the Mediterranean on the south, and the Black Sea on the north, is but a shadow of its former power. It has become impoverished economically and is constantly threatened by its more powerful neighbors, especially Russia to the north.
The evidence for this statement is contained in the last book of the Bible: Revelation. This book presents the final message of the Lord Jesus, given so that his servants "might understand the things which must shortly come to pass" (Revelation 1:1). It is not record in plain, literal language, such as in other parts of scripture, but is concealed in symbology, as its first verse clearly states: Christ "sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John." The word "signified" means to set forth its message in the form of "sign-language." The book appears difficult to understand, until the clues that reveal its hidden meaning are found.
But interspersed with its enigmatical language are sufficient explanatory notes to enable the student to correctly understand the message it seeks to convey. Then it becomes a wonderful record of prophetic history, outlining national and ecclesiastical events down through the ages to the establishment of the kingdom of God upon the earth, and beyond.
The Outpouring of Divine Wrath Two Centuries Ago
Revelation 16 introduces the student to prophecy relating to modern history. Seven vials (a container used to pour out liquids) of divine wrath are represented as being poured out in succession upon the nations because of the manner in which men "blasphemed the God of heaven," and "repented not of their deeds" (Revelation 16:11).
We want to stress the reason for the outpouring of these judgments. God is not vindictive. He does not desire to make men suffer punishment and trouble unreasonably. But as long as they continue to blaspheme His Name, ridicule His ways, and fill the earth with violence and immorality, it remains necessary for a just and righteous God to discipline and correct. He uses the ambitions and schemes of men and nations to that end, so that their punishment is self-inflicted.
But God is near to those who seek Him. Isaiah declared: "Behold, the Lord’s hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither His ear heavy, that it cannot hear: But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid His face from you, that He will not hear" (Isaiah 59:1-2). When men reject the mercy of God they become amenable to His punishment. But, even then, justice is blended with mercy, for when His judgments are fully revealed, "the inhabitants of the earth will learn righteousness" (Isaiah 26:9).
Meanwhile, all efforts of man to bring peace upon earth have failed. "There is no peace for the wicked" (Isaiah 48:22; 57:21). So that true wisdom lies in seeking the refuge God has provided through His son.
We do not intend to give a detailed exposition of the whole of Revelation 16, but concentrate attention upon the "sixth vial," mentioned in verse 12, which introduces present-day events:
"the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared" (Revelation 16:12).
The previous five vials concern events that developed out of the French Revolution of 1789. This political upheaval brought to the fore Napoleon, a genius of war, who proved to be an awful scourge of Europe, and particularly to the Papal church. Through Napoleon the vials of divine wrath were poured out upon Europe, by means of the wars which then erupted ... illustrating the principle that "the wicked are God’s sword to execute His vengeance" (Jeremiah 46:10).
The River Euphrates ... Symbol for the Power of Turkey
The words of Revelation 16:12, mentioned above, are not to be interpreted literally. The passage is not predicting that the water of the actual river Euphrates will suddenly dry up. The "river" is a political symbol, and the "water" represents its power. There is a hint to the interpretation of this verse in the explanatory note contained in chapter 17:15, "The waters … are [or represent] peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues" (Revelation 17:15). When these "dry up", a nation’s political power recedes.
The Euphrates represents the country in which it originates: Turkey ... as the Nile represents Egypt; the Murray does Australia; the Thames of England ... being the principal rivers of the territories concerned. In Isaiah 8 the Euphrates is mentioned in relation to the ancient empire of Assyria, which extended over the area of modern Turkey (Isaiah 8:7-8). It is not, in that passage, represented there evaporating, as in the verse before us, but bursting its banks, flooding down over the lands of Syria and Palestine. "Behold," said the prophet to his contemporaries, "the Lord bringeth up upon them the waters of the river [Euphrates] strong and many, even the king of Assyria and all his glory; and he shall come up over all his channels, and go over all his banks and shall overflow." In Revelation 16:12, the same symbol is used, but in revese ... the political river is shown drying up.
The Rise and Glory of the Ottoman Empire
This verse should be linked with chapter 9:14-21, where the development of the Turkish Empire is foreshadowed. The decree is proclaimed: "Loose the four angels which are bound in the great river Euphrates" (Revelation 9:14-21). After due preparation these four messengers of doom were loosed upon eastern Europe, brining political death to the Byzantine Empire when its capital at Constantinople (today known as Istanbul) was conquered in 1453, the then remaining remnant of the once mighty Roman Empire (v. 18).
These four "angels" answer to the four divisions among the Turks: the Seljuks, Moguls, Tartars, and Ottomans, which, in successive waves, devastated Eastern Europe. Originally "bound," or restrained, by the river Euphrates, they are represented as overflowing its banks, and flooding the adjacent countries with their devastating "waters."
So successful were the Turks that ultimately they developed into one of the most powerful nations on earth. Even as late as 170 years ago, Turkey was still considered as one of the great powers of the nations. Her conquests extended over three areas: Europe, Asia, and Africa, and reached from Poland in the north, to Algiers in the south.
Her empire included the whole of the Middle East. She desolated Palestine, and refused Jews to enter the area. She dominated Hungary, the Balkan States and Greece. Her territory extended deep into southern Russia.
Her ruler had the pompous title of "Emperor of Powerful Emperors: Refuge of Sovereigns; Distributor of Crowns to the Kings of the Earth; Keeper of the Two Very Holy Cities; Governor of the Holy City of Jerusalem; Master of Europe, Asia and Africa; High King of the Two Seas; the Shadow of God upon Earth." At the height of its power, Turkey was dreaded, feared and hated by the civilised world for its ruthlessness.
But today, Turkey is a weak nation, clinging precariously to the remnants of her once mighty empire. And even this shadow of her previous glory exists only in sufferance. It would have been swept into the political abyss if America and Britain had not given their support in past years.
The prophecy of Revelation 16:12 indicates the significance of the decline of Turkey which commenced in 1820. Notice that the Bible speaks of the empire "drying up," not being destroyed in an avalanche. There would be no sudden overthrow of the Turkish Empire, such as has happened to other nations, but a gradual decline of her resources in every facet ... territorial, military, naval and financial ... so that today it is hard to realize how powerful this country once was. When it is remembered that Vienna was besieged by the Turks in 1697, and that the Ottoman Empire possessed a large part of southern Russia until the middle of the eighteenth century, some idea can be formed of the enormous changes that have taken place.
Lest the reader should imagine that the interpretation of the scripture before us is a matter of the moment, and that we are merely bending the Bible to conform to current developments, we point out that the gradual decline of Turkey has been anticipated by Bible students for centuries. In 1643, an expositor, Mede, published his Key to the Revelation, and commented on the 16th chapter:
"The great river Euphrates we interpret to mean the Turks ... therefore by this sixth vial this power shall be dried up."
He explained that the Jews would return at the epoch, and went on to refer to the "horrible and unheard-of preparation for war" described by this vial.
Another commentator, Tillinghast, wrote in 1670:
"By the river Euphrates we are to understand the Ottoman or Turkish Empire. It is called the great river because of the multitude of people and nations therein. The people who at present are of all others accounted the greatest are the Turks; who, therefore, and no other, are here to be understood ..."
A further comment on the same matter was made by a Christadelphian Bible student, John Thomas, in 1856, who wrote:
"The water of the great river Euphrates, in like manner, represents the military power of the Turkish Empire; which is to be dissipated by a process of evaporation, a drying up, a gradual exhaustion, so as to leave the channel of the river empty and devoid of all power to impede or interfere" with the political developments of the last days. He quotes another write as saying: "By what means the Turkish empire shall be reduced to this helpless state (an empire formerly distinguished for its enthusiastic loyalty, ferocity and valor; and which is even at this day ... 1802 ... as populous as any other upon earth, the Chinese excepted) is not intimated in this verse; and will perhaps remain concealed until the events themselves shall remove the veil ..." (Eureka, vol. 5, p. 178, 190).
The Dramatic Decline of Turkey
The year 1820 say the commencement of this "drying up" process in a series of disasters that irreparably weakened the Turkish nation. In that year, Greece rebelled against the Turks, and seven years later gained independence. In 1828, Wallachia and Moldavia were annexed and Serbia threw off the Turkish yoke. The following year France occupied Algiers in North Africa, and commenced to "dry up" the Turkish Empire from that direction.
By now Turkey was called "the sick man of Europe," and its approaching eclipse was anticipated. But Britain and France feared that Russia might fill the political vacuum which would be thus created, and sought to revive the dying empire. Thus, when Egypt revolted in 1832, and Mehemet Ali drove the Turkish forces back almost to the Euphrates, the revolt was quelled, not by Turkey, but by a combination of great powers headed by Britain. And in the constant attacks that Turkey now experienced from Russia, she found that she could rely upon Britain as her ally, and that British forces were always there to hold the enemy at bay.
But the "drying up" process continued. Massacre, civil war, famine, earthquake, military invasion, a constant succession of reverses within and without, weakened and dissipated the empire. Though reformers from within and allies from without attempted to stem the drift, they found themselves powerless to do so. They were fighting destiny. The years saw Turkey gradually, but inevitably, declining towards ruinous regression.
Britain Attacks Turkey Under Unexpected Circumstances
The greatest blow of all occurred during World War I (1914-17). For over one hundred years Britain had stood as the consistent ally of Turkey, and when war broke out, she felt that she could rely upon the co-operation of Turkey as a benevolent neutral. But against all principles of gratitude, in defiance of her traditional policy for over a century, and against her own interests, Turkey sided with Germany and Austria.
At first, Britain ignored the calculated coldness of her onetime ally, and even turned a blind eye to the insults that Turkey heaped upon her. But then came the unforgivable action. Turkey not only rejected British advances, but also commenced hostilities by firing on British ship. Open conflict between the two erstwhile allies became inevitable.
The Bible had predicted this. The prophet Daniel recorded: "At the time of the end shall the king of the south push at him; and the king of the north shall come against him like a whirlwind … and shall overflow and pass over" (Daniel 11:40).
There are four points to be noted in this verse:
The "time of the end" is a period clearly defined by the prophet as the epoch in which faithful believers in God will be rewarded (Daniel 11:35), and when the prophet himself will be raised to life eternal (Daniel 12:2,13). It is therefore a period that has a beginning and an end, and which will consummate in the return of the Lord Jesus to establish upon earth his kingdom and to reign. As we shall show, the partial fulfillment of Daniel 11:40 resulted in a remarkable step towards the consummation of the purpose of God which clearly shows that we are in "the time of the end."
The "king of the north" represents a power north of Israel, and in ancient times answered to the kingdom of Syria controlled by the Seleucids, portion of which territory is today in Russian hands; therefore Russia is represented in the prophecy by this title.
The "him" which these two powers successively attack refers to the "king" mentioned in verse 36. He was neither "king of the north," nor "the king of the south," because he occupied all the territory formerly controlled by both of these kings. History shows this power to have been the Eastern (Byzantine) Roman Empire, with its headquarters in Constantinople (Istanbul). In 1453, however, the Ottoman Turks successfully laid siege to Constantinople, and, ejecting the Byzantine government, occupied the city as their capital. As the prophecy does not concern peoples, but rather geographical places, the power in occupation of the area of Constantinople thus became the "him" of this verse, and the power styled by Daniel in his eighth chapter as "the little horn of the goat."
Daniel 11:40 thus requires that there should exist "in the time of the end" a king of the north, a king of the south, and a third power in occupation of Constantinople ... all contemporaneously.
When Russia occupied Armenia, and so came into the region of the ancient kingdom of Syria, and Britain annexed Egypt (1882) and so assumed the prophetic title of the king of the south, the way was paved for the fulfillment of this prophecy.
The Significance of 9th December, 1917
The declaration of war between Britain (the king of the south), and Turkey (the "him" of Daniel 11:40), led to the "push" of the former against the latter, as predicted by Daniel.
Meanwhile, in England, the war effort had been greatly aided by the inventive genius of a Jewish scientist, Chaim Weizmann, destined to become the first president of the Jewish State. What was to be his reward for such valuable services rendered? Weizmann told the British Government that he wanted nothing for himself, but would like Palestine as a national home for his dispersed and persecuted people.
This suited the British Government. A declaration in favour of Jewry would gain sympathy for England in its dire struggle with Germany, from powerful Jewish communities throughout the world, and particularly in America. The Balfour Declaration was thus proclaimed in 1917. It offered Palestine as a national home for the Jews, and in which Britain avowed her intention of implementing the establishment of this homeland by all possible means. In 1922, the League of Nations endorsed this principle.
In 1917, after nineteen centuries of dispersion, the doors of Palestine swung open to receive Jewish exiles. Many Bible prophecies began to have fulfillment. The Lord Jesus had declared: "Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled" (Luke 21:24). Now the first step in the freeing of this city had occurred.
Here are some other prophecies that relate to the return of Jewish exiles to the land of their forefathers in the Middle East:
The last quotation is particularly significant. It speaks of Israel first being regathered, then established as a nation, and finally existing under a monarchial system of government with its own king.
Jewry has been partly regathered today. The State of Israel is a fact in the earth. But as a Republic, it still lacks a king, and will do so until the Lord Jesus returns from heaven to take up his rightful position as king of Israel, and ultimately of the whole world (Jeremiah 3:17; Isaiah 2:2-4).
The return of the Jews to their land, shown by the prophet as being preliminary to Christ’s reign on earth, was only made possible by the "drying up" of the political "river Euphrates" (Turkey) from Palestine. The "push" of the king of the south (Britain) in 1917, opened the way for that to take place. As the angel told Daniel, the prophecy of his eleventh chapter was designed to reveal "what shall befall thy people in the latter days" (Daniel 10:14). An important step towards the complete emancipation of the Jewish people had been taken by the fulfillment of the first portion of this 40th verse.
Meanwhile, Turkey lost not merely Palestine, but all her territory in the Middle East, except a portion in Asia Minor and a smaller section in Europe around Istanbul.
She is yet to lose even that. She is to be entirely "dried up" by being completely dominated by Russia. Notice carefully the words of Daniel 11:40, "The king of the north (Russia) will come against him (Turkey) like a whirlwind, with chariots, horsemen and many ships, and will overflow and pass over."
These words describe more than a mere "push," such as the king of the south (Britain) exerted against Turkey in 1917. They portray a lightning attack by Russia of such a devastation as to be fully successful.
Today, Russia is bent upon securing her position as a dominant power, prior to seeking world domination. She realizes the importance of having complete command of the Middle East. But until she has a sea-water outlet into the Mediterranean, she has no hope of grasping this prize, and for her there is only one outlet ... through the straits of Bosphorus and Dardanelles, today held by Turkey.
Thus the political "river Euphrates" stands as a barrier to ultimate Russian ambitions. In time of war, Turkey could bottle up the Russian navy in the Black Sea by closing the narrow outlet through the Dardanelles, and even now, in time of relative peace, Russian warships are only permitted through these narrow straits by permission of the local authorities! Turkey is thus a bulwark in the strategy of the Western Powers, guarding the all-important Middle East, with its militarily strategic position, and its enormous reserves of oil so essential to the commercial and political existence of the West. That is why American dollars and British influence are being used to strengthen Western influence in the Middle East.
But there is fear that the Russian forces, which are being tested in other areas of its dominion, and Russian shipping ... which some claim to be the third largest fleet in the world, much of which is located in the Black Sea ... will one day be used, initially against Turkey, with devastating results.
And that will happen. Soon, without warning and at lightning speed, as the prophecy of Daniel shows, these forces will move south. The allies of the West will be thrown off guard, and will not have time to marshal their forces to the defence of Turkey before that country falls. In occupation of Istanbul, and possessing an outlet to the Mediterranean, Russian ambitions will be enhanced.
But they will not be satisfied. The defeat of Turkey is only the means to an end. Once there, Russia will consolidate her position preparatory to the next move in her plan of campaign: a drive against Egypt in the south (Daniel 11:40-25).
At the opportune moment the Russian forces will move. Entering the "glorious land" (Daniel 11:41) [that is Israel], they will bypass the mountainous parts of Jerusalem and the Arab territories east of the Jordan (known in the Bible as "Edom and Moab"), and drive directly towards Egypt, which "shall not escape" (Daniel 11:42). In Egypt, however, reports of recent events will trouble the Russian dictator (Daniel 11:44). The prophecy does not explain what this troublous news is, but could possibly relate to the massing of Anglo-American forces in the Arabian territories to the east, perhaps with the objective of cutting the communications of the Russian army.
With "fury" the Russian forces will ascend from Egypt to lay siege to Jerusalem, the "glorious holy mountain" (Daniel 11:45). This will introduce the battle of Armageddon (Ezekiel 38; Joel 2; Zechariah 14; Revelation 16:16), in which the mighty armies of the two great blocs of nations ... Russian, and the Anglo-American ... will contest the issue.
But neither will be the ultimate victor. At this time, the Lord Jesus Christ will intervene together with his mighty forces. Before the descent of Russia southward, Christ will have returned to the earth, raised the dead and given immortality to those of his followers who have lived in obedience to his precepts, and will then move against a world wholly given over to war and the pursuit of power.
He will "break in pieces the oppressor" (Psalm 72), and destroy the war-mongers (Revelation 11:18), abolish the governments of men, and thereupon establish his glorious kingdom (Daniel 2:44), bringing all mankind into subjection to his wise and beneficial rule.
The Purpose of Turkey’s Decline
God has not decreed the decline of Turkish power for the benefit of Russia, Britain, America, Jewry or the Arab nations ... but, as is clearly expressed in Revelation 16:12, that "the way of the kings of the east might be prepared" (Revelation 16:12).
Who are these kings? In the original text, the word "east" signifies "the sun’s rising," so that the term is better translated as "kings who are out of a sun’s rising." The "sun" in question is not the natural orb shining in the heavens above, but is a symbolic term denoting the Lord Jesus Christ and his immortalized friends. He is "the sun of righteousness, who shall arise with healing in his beams" (Malachi 4:1-2). His return to the earth will fill it with divine light (Isaiah 60:1), as the rising sun of morning drives away the gloom of night. His coming, and his reign, will be the New Day of the Lord, so frequently spoken of in the Bible as replacing the darkness of the Gentile night.
The Important Appeal of the Gospel
And with the coming of Christ, the purpose of the gospel will be revealed. The gospel is a divine call to individuals to associate with the Lord Jesus Christ now, at a time when most people turn their backs upon his teachings. To those who accept the way of truth and righteousness, will be granted the reward of honor and glory at his return (Revelation 22:12). That reward constitutes life eternal, and a position of authority in the kingdom he will establish. This principle is clearly taught in the following quotations:
The kings mentioned, who reign with the Lord Jesus, are his followers, raised from the dead or gathered to his presence on his return, and given immortal life. They are therefore "the kings out of a sun’s rising," for their manifestation will take place at the return of the Lord Jesus, the "sun of righteousness." They, therefore, constitute the future "kings of the east" (Revelation 16:12).
The drying up of Turkish power is represented as preparing the "way" of these kings who are out of a "sun’s rising." We have seen how this will be accomplished. Turkey was driven from Palestine and the way was opened for the return of the Jews to the Promised Land. This was in fulfillment of the prophecies of the Bible which show it to be a necessary corollary to the establishment of Christ as king of the Jews, and of the whole world (Jeremiah 3:17).
If the reader thinks this strange, consider the question that the disciples put to the Lord Jesus over 1,900 years ago: "Behold, we have forsaken all and followed thee: what shall we have therefore?" They desired to know the benefits of discipleship and of following his teachings, and the Master responded: "Ye which have followed me, in the regeneration when the Son of man shall sit upon the throne of his glory, ye also shall sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. And every one that hath forsaken [anything] for my name’s sake shall receive a hundredfold, and shall inherit everlasting life" (Matthew 19:27-30).
The apostles were promised that they would exercise authority over Israel when the kingdom of God is established on the earth. Thus the return of the Jews is a necessary pre-requisite to that time, when Israel, in common with all nations, will be humbled, disciplined and brought into subjection to Christ.
But until 1917, Turkey stood as an insurmountable barrier to any substantial return of the Jews. The Turkish Government was inexorably opposed to it. Thus the Turks had to be driven from the land before the purpose of God could be effected.
In our time this has been achieved, and the political "river Euphrates" has been partially dried up that the way of the kings of the east "might be prepared." What is happening in world affairs today is in preparation for the imminent return of the Lord Jesus, and the establishment of the kingdom of God.
The great international drama will continue whether men interest themselves in it or not. Christ will come; the kingdom of God will be established upon the earth ... and hopefully the reader will accept the message conveyed in this booklet, and earnestly seek to know more concerning the way of salvation.
Let wisdom govern your choice in this matter, in seeking God’s way, a way of life that not only brings personal satisfaction now, but also enables you to live in hope of the future. This is the only right decision to make. It will open your eyes to the remarkable events that are happening in today’s world, and show you what you might expect soon to occur. But, more importantly, it will give a reason for life, and a grand future to anticipate. It is the means to true happiness and peace of mind today, possible from no other source than that which is available from God’s Inspired Word. We hope that you will take your Bible, open its pages, and rejoice in its teaching.
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